These twenty-four ‘free improvisations’ were inspired by various encounters with contemporary music, much of which was played by musicians who call themselves ‘improvisers.’ The poems range & wander through a miscellany of diverse formats and while they were inspired by various musical compositions the reader need not know the music to connect with these highly imaginative &, as some have noted, inspirational poems.
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Selected Poems
After: ‘Nonet 1, 2 & 3’ No Stars Please Music by The Trummerflora Collective
After: ‘Third Time’ No Stars Please Music by The Trummerflora Collective & the Sculpture of Tanya Story
After: Ololiuhqui From: Ode to Earthly Delights – Music by: Quercus
After: ‘From The Waist Up’ No Stars Please – Music by The Trummerflora Collective
After: ‘Punch Press Pull’ No Stars Please Music by The Trummerflors Collective
After: ‘Six Marimbas’ Music by Steve Reich